Hour of the Time

We are offering, to the highest e-mail bidder, a SIGNED, HAND-NUMBERED, limited edition (approx. 500 original hardcovers were printed) copy of "BEHOLD A PALE HORSE" By Milton William Cooper.

The opening bid is $100 US. This Auction Opens Tuesday, September 6th at 8AM, and closes Tuesday, September 20th, at 8AM EST. AUCTION CLOSED


Bidding History

Date and Time Bid Bidder # (Assigned by Webmaster)
No bids Yet. - 1
Opening Bid $100 1
09/08/05 - 7:04 AM EDT $150 2
09/16/05 - 4:03 PM EDT $350 3
09/17/05 - 8:02 AM EDT ($200) 4
Winning Bid $350 3

All bids must be sent to: WEBMASTER@HOUROFTHETIME.COM

When you place a bid we will e-mail you your bidder number. A valid e-mail address is required to bid on this item.

Here is an example of what you will be receiving - (this picture shows number (159) (already sold)). For this auction we are offering copy #182 signed 03/23/91 by Bill with the following message : "Annie, Pooh and I thank you for your support. . God Bless You." - William Cooper (signed)


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