
WWFRN Schedule for 03/23/11

Tonight at 21:00 EDT, please tune in for a Classic Cooper episode – never before replayed!  Enjoy “Up Yours Major Clarkin”.

The Inner Athlete returns at 22:00 EDT with tonight’s topic “Spring”.

To listen to our internet radio station, please click here, or click here for more detailed instructions.



Hey folks,

We’ve added a new in-browser streaming player to the website. For any of you who’ve had difficulties listening in the past – those days are over!

Simply visit our LISTEN HERE page and listen in with the new player! (Requires Flash)

You may listen in using the in-browser player, or click one of the links on the right in the player Window to use your favorite player.



WWFRN Schedule for 03/16/11

Ladies and Gentleman,

To listen to the Hour of the Time – click here.

If that link doesn’t work, further details on how to listen can be read here.

Please tune in for another Classic Cooper broadcast tonight at 21:00 EDT with Part 11 of “Asset Protection”.

Please keep in mind that this series, like many other broadcasts we have run are from years gone past.  Although many of the precepts, principals and ideals of asset protection, trusts, off-shore accounts, etc. are still fundamentally the same, there are some differences and changes that have occured over the past several years that can hinder your endeavors.  Through the passage of often illegal draconian legislative acts, administrative codes and illegally entered upon treaties, many of the long-standing principals of security, privacy and sanctity have been vanquished.  For fully up to date asset protection strategies look to the 2011 HOTT Conferences for the newest changes that effect your ability to preserve your wealth, privacy and posterity.
At 22:00 EDT, please tune in for another episode of David Christopher’s “A Healthier You” where tonight’s topic is “Angina/Avocados”.  This originally aired September 18th, 2010.
Thank you,
Hour of The Time


WWFRN Schedule for 03/15/11

In light of the massive amounts of e-mail we’ve been receiving regarding the situation in Japan, we’ve chosen to interrupt the Asset Protection series and run a broadcast we did from last year entitled “Gas Masks – Numerous Deadly Scams on the Market”.  Normally the research offers are only valid on the original air date, but for tonight we’re making them available here. So be sure to tune in for this broadcast at at 21:00 EDT.  (The bonus materials include 3 pdfs detailing the following : Book 1 – Guidelines for Responding to and Managing a Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorist Event Prepared by:  U.S. Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command (SBCCOM) Domestic Preparedness Chemical Team, Book 2 – Official Government and Military spreadsheet of agent types, transmission, rate of action, symptoms and treatments plus much more data, Book 3 – An Hour Of The Time and Veritas News Service Exclusive showing the defective gas masks and canisters commonly sold on the market with pictures and descriptions.  These masks and canisters not only LACK any protection but can be dangerous in and of themselves.)

At 22:00 EDT, you’ll be able to hear David Christopher’s “A Healthier You” where tonight’s topic is “Lyme’s Disease”

Tune into the stream here!

Remember that these broadcasts are repeated on the stream until 21:00 the following day, so if you miss out on the prime time airing, you can always tune in throughout the day.  On the odd hours you’ll hear HOTT, on the even hours you’ll hear “A Healthier You”.   Enjoy – and please pop by the HOTT shop and see if anything tickles your fancy!

WWFRN Schedule for 03/07/11

Ladies and Gentleman,

To listen to the Hour of the Time – click here.

If that link doesn’t work, further details on how to listen can be read here.

Please tune in for another Classic Cooper broadcast tonight at 21:00 EST with Part 5 of “Asset Protection”.

Please keep in mind that this series, like many other broadcasts we have run are from years gone past.  Although many of the precepts, principals and ideals of asset protection, trusts, off-shore accounts, etc. are still fundamentally the same, there are some differences and changes that have occured over the past several years that can hinder your endeavors.  Through the passage of often illegal draconian legislative acts, administrative codes and illegally entered upon treaties, many of the long-standing principals of security, privacy and sanctity have been vanquished.  For fully up to date asset protection strategies look to the 2011 HOTT Conferences for the newest changes that effect your ability to preserve your wealth, privacy and posterity.
At 22:00 EST, please tune in for another episode of David Christopher’s “A Healthier You” where tonight’s topic is “Nuts”.  This originally aired July 31st, 2010.
Thank you,
Hour of The Time


WWFRN Schedule for 03/04/11

Ladies and Gentleman,

To listen to the Hour of the Time – click here.

If that link doesn’t work, further details on how to listen can be read here.

Please tune in for another Classic Cooper broadcast tonight at 21:00 EST with Part 4 of “Asset Protection”.

Please keep in mind that this series, like many other broadcasts we have run are from years gone past.  Although many of the precepts, principals and ideals of asset protection, trusts, off-shore accounts, etc. are still fundamentally the same, there are some differences and changes that have occured over the past several years that can hinder your endeavors.  Through the passage of often illegal draconian legislative acts, administrative codes and illegally entered upon treaties, many of the long-standing principals of security, privacy and sanctity have been vanquished.  For fully up to date asset protection strategies look to the 2011 HOTT Conferences for the newest changes that effect your ability to preserve your wealth, privacy and posterity.
At 22:00 EST, please tune in for another episode of David Christopher’s “A Healthier You” where tonight’s topic is “Sunshine and Vitamins”.  This originally aired July 17th, 2010.
Thank you,
Hour of The Time



HOTT Newslinks 03/04/11

Just when you thought it was safe to kiss your sweetie on the park bench in relative privacy : Google Street View goes off road with tricycle to capture more images



Nasa Glory mission ends in failure : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-12551861

What a shame they won’t be able to verify global warming, uh – I mean climate change – is just like Al Gore tells it!



Humans on Verge of 6th Great Mass Extinction, Experts Say

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/03/02/humans-verge-6th-great-mass-extinction-experts-say/#ixzz1FYjDsayP

Don’t worry though, it’ll take between 300 and 2000 years to happen and we can rely on government to write sensible legislation to create more human free zones, heavily tax consumers of fossil fuels and otherwise save our souls!


Here’s why you need to know Emergency First Aid : Some GOOD NEWS!

Dozens of people perform CPR to save heart attack victim


Checkout Doyel’s great First Aid DVD at the HOTT Shop


‘Tractor beam’ is possible with lasers, say scientists


Now that we have “Star Trek” style socialism, we’ll maybe soon have “Star Trek” style technology! You keep your laser, I’ll keep my guns…


Thanks to Spencer for letting us know that The Hour of the Time made the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list once again!  We think it’s quite nice that we’re in the Arizona listing right in between the Constitution Party and the John Birch Society.  Good company indeed!  Not to say that we think everyone on the list is good company.  They lump extremist groups in together with folks like us in the hopes that their readers will equate all of the groups on the list.  And big fans of the SPLC are likely not educated enough to know the difference.    http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2011/spring/active-patriot-groups-in-the-us


Another baby step here to make gun ownership even more inconvenient :

Iowa Bill Could Compel Gun Carriers to Take Breathalyzer or Lose Permit





WWFRN Schedule for 03/03/11

Ladies and Gentleman,

To listen to the Hour of the Time – click here.

If that link doesn’t work, further details on how to listen can be read here.

Please tune in for another Classic Cooper broadcast tonight at 21:00 EDT with Part 3 of “Asset Protection”.

Please keep in mind that this series, like many other broadcasts we have run are from years gone past.  Although many of the precepts, principals and ideals of asset protection, trusts, off-shore accounts, etc. are still fundamentally the same, there are some differences and changes that have occured over the past several years that can hinder your endeavors.  Through the passage of often illegal draconian legislative acts, administrative codes and illegally entered upon treaties, many of the long-standing principals of security, privacy and sanctity have been vanquished.  For fully up to date asset protection strategies look to the 2011 HOTT Conferences for the newest changes that effect your ability to preserve your wealth, privacy and posterity.
At 22:00 EDT, please tune in for another episode of David Christopher’s “A Healthier You” where tonight’s topic is “Milk Studies and Diet Code”.  This originally aired June 26th, 2010.
Thank you,
Hour of The Time


WWFRN Schedule for 03/02/11

Ladies and Gentleman,

To listen to the Hour of the Time – click here.

If that link doesn’t work, further details on how to listen can be read here.

Please tune in for another Classic Cooper broadcast tonight at 21:00 EDT with Part 2 of “Asset Protection”.

Please keep in mind that this series, like many other broadcasts we have run are from years gone past.  Although many of the precepts, principals and ideals of asset protection, trusts, off-shore accounts, etc. are still fundamentally the same, there are some differences and changes that have occured over the past several years that can hinder your endeavors.  Through the passage of often illegal draconian legislative acts, administrative codes and illegally entered upon treaties, many of the long-standing principals of security, privacy and sanctity have been vanquished.  For fully up to date asset protection strategies look to the 2011 HOTT Conferences for the newest changes that effect your ability to preserve your wealth, privacy and posterity.
At 22:00 EDT, please tune in for another episode of David Christopher’s “A Healthier You” where tonight’s guest is Mark Basil.  This originally aired June 12th, 2010.
Thank you,
Hour of The Time


WWFRN Schedule for 03/01/11

Ladies and Gentleman,

To listen to the Hour of the Time – click here.

If that link doesn’t work, further details on how to listen can be read here.

Please tune in for another Classic Cooper broadcast tonight at 21:00 EDT with Part 1 of “Asset Protection”.

Please keep in mind that this series, like many other broadcasts we have run are from years gone past.  Although many of the precepts, principals and ideals of asset protection, trusts, off-shore accounts, etc. are still fundamentally the same, there are some differences and changes that have occured over the past several years that can hinder your endeavors.  Through the passage of often illegal draconian legislative acts, administrative codes and illegally entered upon treaties, many of the long-standing principals of security, privacy and sanctity have been vanquished.  For fully up to date asset protection strategies look to the 2011 HOTT Conferences for the newest changes that effect your ability to preserve your wealth, privacy and posterity.
At 22:00 EDT, please tune in for another episode of David Christopher’s “A Healthier You” where tonight’s topic is “The Food Industry”.  This originally aired June 5th, 2010.
Thank you,
Hour of The Time

WWFRN Schedule for 02/28/11 – 2 Hour Cooper Special!

Tonight at 21:00 EDT, we’ll be airing episode #1049, entitled “Your Trip to the Circus”.

To listen to the Hour of the Time – click here.

If that link doesn’t work, further details on how to listen can be read here.