
WWFRN Schedule for 02/02/11

More Classic Cooper at 9pm EDT. Tonight’s program is #699 in our catalog, and is entitled “Vince Foster Death”.

At 10pm, on “The Inner Athlete”, James Jankiewicz will be discussing “Ancient Nutrition”.

WWFRN Schedule 02/01/11

At 9PM EDT, please tune into another Classic Cooper Episode.  This one (#913 in our catalog) has only recently been converted from the cassette master to digital format and is entitled “Pennsylvania Invasion”.   Unless you heard this way back when it originally aired, most of you will be hearing it for the first time tonight!

At 10PM, we continue our revisiting of 2010’s content of “A Healthier You”.  Tonight, David Christopher has “John Verapan” as a guest. This episode was originally aired on February 6th, 2010.

WWFRN Schedule for 01/31/11 – Plus FREE giveaway!

Tonight, at 9PM EDT, we are pleased to present yet another never before re-aired Cooper broadcast entitled “Vaclav Havel 666”!   Tune in tonight for more CLASSIC COOPER!

At 10PM, we’re continuing the replays of “A Healthier You” from 2010.  Tonight’s episode  is entitled “Football Injuries” originally aired in January of 2010.   Because most of David’s shows are slightly less than a full hour, you’ll likely have noticed that we often fill the remaining few minutes with music.  As a special bonus to the first listener to e-mail webmaster@hourofthetime.com tonight with the correct answer to tonight’s trivia question, HOTT Canada will mail you ANY single video DVD we offer on our website POSTPAID.  Simply listen to tonight’s filler song at the end of “A Healthier You” and e-mail us the correct answer to this question : When did the singer of the song watch TV with Elvis?   webmaster@hourofthetime.com

We’ll notify you via e-mail if you’re the winner of tonight’s contest!

WWFRN Schedule for the Weekend – 01/29/11 & 01/30/11

The weekend schedule is now airing!  Hour 9 is airing beginning at 3pm EDT on 01/29/11, and when we reach the end of the program list, the entire playlist repeats.  Please enjoy the following programs :

Hour 1: HOTT #660 – 7/24/95 – Aaron Zelman, JPFO

Hour 2: A Healthier You – 2011Jan8 A – Vaccines_&_Autism_Debate

Hour 3: HOTT #355 – 5/16/94 – The Common Law

Hour 4: A Healthier You – 2010Jan01_CO_Poisoning_1

Hour 5: HOTT #361 – 5/24/94 – UN Gun Control, Rights of the Child

Hour 6: The Inner Athlete – Motivation

Hour 7: HOTT #481 – 11/11/94 – 1776 Revolutionary VETS

Hour 8: A Healthier You – 2010Jan23_DryMouth&Flouride_A

Hour 9 + 10: HOTT #1078 – 3/18/97 – Stone of Foundation

Now, while this is a fantastic line-up of great information, do remember – it’s the weekend – GET OUTSIDE AND DO SOMETHING!  Practice your rope tying skills!  Go to the gun range and improve your accuracy!  Find a coffee shop and read a book!  Have a garage sale and get rid of stuff you don’t need – fund your next trip to a HOTT Conference!  Call up an old friend and tell them all about our website ;)!  Fix something you own that’s broken.

Actions speak much louder than words, so let’s get active!

WWFRN Schedule for 01/28/10

Tonight, at 9pm EDT, we’re airing a special Cooper 2-hour broadcast entitled “Stone of Foundation”.  Enjoy!

WWFRN Schedule for 01/26/11 – Specially requested Cooper episode and The Inner Athlete!

Tonight at 9pm EDT, please tune in for Classic Cooper episode #361 entitled “UN Gun Control, Rights of the Child”.

At 10pm, James Jankiewicz hits the airwaves with “The Inner Athlete”.  Learn how to maintain your dedication to working out regularly with this episode entitled “Motivation”.  Be sure to visit James’ website here, and send him an e-mail asking him for more NEW live shows!   Click here if you’d like to get him motivated!

WWFRN Schedule for 01/25/11 – The “Classic Cooper” flood continues!

Tonight at 9pm EDT, please tune in for Classic Cooper episode #355 entitled “The Common Law”.

At 10pm, we’re happy to be repeating the entire last year of David Christopher’s “A Healthier You”,  beginning with tonight’s episode from January 2010 entitled “CO Poisoning”. Please visit his website when you get a chance!

WWFRN Schedule for 01/24/11 – Due to popular demand – More “Classic Cooper!”

People seem to be quite thrilled to hear some of the never before rebroadcast episodes of Bill’s, so we’re going to continue this week with some more episodes.

Tonight at 9pm EDT, in tribute to Aaron Zeldman, from JPFO, please tune in for an interview Bill did with him back in 1995.

At 10pm, we’re happy to queue up another NEW episode of David Christopher’s wonderful “A Healthier You” broadcast, where tonight he’ll be discussing “Vaccines and Autism Debate”.  We know people have learned much about how to improve, restore, and keep their health from these broadcasts and we’re happy to keep them coming!

WWFRN Schedule for 01/20/11 – Classic Cooper Week continues!

Tonight at 9pm EDT, please tune into “The Darkness”, a classic Cooper episode from the vaults!

At 10pm, David Christopher has Mary Forte on as a guest!


WWFRN Schedule for 01/19/11 – Socialists REJOICE! Another FREE first-replay-ever episode of the Hour of the Time with William Cooper

Of course, nowadays it’s almost a prerequisite that you notify the public when irony or sarcasm is used…. In Canada, sometimes even if you’re being sarcastic or otherwise making an ironic statement you’ll be shut up , shut down and shut off from doing so. (Money for Nothing by Dire Straits is now Hate Speech, and can’t be played on the radio in Canada) .

In any event, we’ll NEVER EVER encourage socialism, but we are offering up another free broadcast from Bill, lovingly converted from the original cassette by a volunteer from California who would cringe at the thought that the pirates and socialists might benefit from his hard work.   He will be happy to know that there is a small group of people who understand honesty, value for your dollar, and integrity.  It is for you that we keep pressing forward – please enjoy this classic Cooper episode!  As for you socialists – well – as Bill would say “Socialism sucks and so do socialists”!

Tonight’s Classic Cooper broadcast at 9pm is “Hotline Messages”.

At 10pm you’ll hear another broadcast from James Jankiewicz.   He’s going to discuss ” Health and Fitness in the 2000s”


WWFRN Schedule for 01/18/11 – including MORE never before heard Classic Cooper!

Tonight at 9pm we will be airing another FIRST REPEAT EVER of a Classic Cooper episode.  Tonight’s feature is episode #147 entitled “Anatomy of a Murder ”.

At 10pm, on David Christopher’s “A Healthier You” he will be discussing “Weight Debate”.