
WWFRN Schedule for 01/17/11 – including some never before heard Classic Cooper!

Tonight at 9pm we will be airing a never before heard (except on the original night) Classic Cooper episode #154 entitled “Omni Magazine Labels Cooper as Anti-Semitic”.

At 10pm, David Christopher’s “A Healthier You”, he will be discussing “Men’s Health”

Aquarius – The Age of Evil – SOLD OUT!

UPDATE : 01/03/10 – Please note that this item is now completely and permanently sold out.  For ALL inquiries regarding this film, please contact the film’s producer Keith Thompson through his website here.

Hey folks,

The initial duplication run for Aquarius : The Age of Evil is almost sold out.  We will NOT be rerunning this title, as Keith Thompson, the film’s producer, wishes to do a new version of the film at some point in the future.  When these last copies are gone, we will not be producing any more copies.

If you’re interested in a copy of this 2 DVD set, please visit the HOTT shop here.

HOTT Podcast for 11/04/10 – Interview with 3 researchers from Fluoridation Free Ottawa

Tonight’s program is hosted by Robert Houghton and details the efforts being made in the Ottawa, Ontario, Canada area to get rid of artificial water fluoridation in Canada’s capital.  Enjoy this interview with Richard Hudon, Mark MacKenzie, and Linda Querel from Fluoridation Free Ottawa.  Their website can be accessed here : http://www.ffo-olf.org

If you enjoy this episode of the Hour of the Time, please remember we’re 100% listener supported!  Consider a donation to keep programs like these coming to you on a regular basis.  If you cannot afford to donate, please consider taking the time to visit our guests’ website and reading their well documented research.  Helping them will help us all keep healthy!

Thanks for listening,

Rob Houghton

WWFRN Schedule for 11/04/10

Tonight on the Hour of the Time at 9pm EST please tune in for an interview by Robert Houghton with Richard Hudon, Linda Querel, and Mark Markenzie from Flouridation Free Ottawa http://www.ffo-olf.org discussing water fluoridation and why this is NOT a good thing.

At 10, we have another health related broadcast from David Christopher from the School of Natural Healing.  Tune in to hear a brand new broadcast entitled “Thermography”.

Chilean Mine Rescue Rife with Symbolism

Veritas New Exclusive

Tonight, Tuesday the 12th of October at midnight, the daring rescue efforts of the teams of mining experts in Chile will bring to the surface the first of 33 trapped miners.  Of course midnight tonight is also known as October 13th!  Three different rescue shafts were being drilled in this effort to bring the trapped miners to the surface.  We’re working on verifying the fact that the first successful attempt came after 33 days of drilling, an attempt by the second team of experts.  This timing appears to be verified in this news article : http://www.thestate.com/2010/10/08/1504189/escape-shaft-nearly-reaches-chiles.html

The Canadian team ran into difficulties about a week and a half ago and were delayed in their efforts.  The initial rescue effort was also unsuccessful in reaching their target.

The rescue pod, essentially a reinforced steel cage, has been given the name “Pheonix”.  A Globe and Mail article on the rescue effort published earlier today headlined “Mine about to give ‘birth’ to 33 trapped Chileans”.   http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/americas/mine-about-to-give-birth-to-33-trapped-chileans/article1752567/

What exactly are the mystery schools up to?  Can this be anything but an insult to the sheople?

Update : First miner rescued at 12:11 local time at the minesite.

Chilean President Sebastián Piñera mentions that today, October 13th, is the “magic number”, spoken shortly after the first miner reaches the surface.

2:56 AM mine-site time – BBC announces that 3 different Pheonix capsules are being used in the rescue effort.  Pheonix 1 was a prototype, Pheonix 2 is currently being used, and Pheonix 3 will replace unit #2 if any problems arise.

33 miners rescued after 33 days

Rescued using the “Phoenix” rescue capsule

The company is Layne Christensen Co…. of Mission Woods, Kansas (about 5 miles from me)

They also do sub contracting work in Afghanistan, which means they’re tied in.

Their company logo is the all-seeing eye:

Their revenue is about a quarter of a billion / year

Their stock is up today by almost 5% (never underestimate a clever marketing campaign):


Here’s their official press release:


Their president is Andrew B. Schmitt and he makes at least $1 million a year at Layne alone, but is also director of Unitog (the uniform company) and Reynolds Transport (a trucking outfit he incorporated), both here in KC.

Lastly, I find it interesting that this melodramatic charade to save human lives was not in such a rush that they didn’t have time to stop for photo ops with the special drill and rescue capsule, even allowing the daughter of one of the trapped miners to get inside of the special tube and make sure it was “comfortable”. Reminds me of all those pity-pics we see of starving children in Africa. I’m sure that if I ever saw a starving child the first thing I’d want to grab is my camera…


Did you see that 69 days from today (the number of days they were trapped as well)  ,October 13th, is December 21st – the last day before the sun is lost for on the horizon for 3 days – before being risen and reborn on December 25th…69 = “As Above, So Below” – yin-yang – the universal man – the brotherhood of man – salvation by works…

That’s interesting…I was looking at this video a second ago and felt that the symbolism seemed relevant. The 9th guy to get taken out of there, wearing a shirt with an upside down five-pointed star. He was in the main picture about the story on MSN’s home page.


The Economist Magazine

And The Chilean President confirmed it:

Just gets more and more interesting…

–          Copiapó was said to be the site of an unidentified flying object sighting in 1864. According to researcher Chris Aubeck, [12] the story first appeared in print in the March 18, 1868 issue of the newspaper El Constituyente, which was itself cited in the journal The Zoologist then in Lo!, a 1931 book by American investigator Charles Fort. Fort’s account was the basis of a later account in Anatomy of a Phenomenon (1965) by ufologist Jacques Vallee.

–          Aubeck reports that the original newspaper article described the object as “an enormous bird.” (Phoenix?-SDW)
source: http://wapedia.mobi/en/Copiap%C3%B3

–          It’s a copper and gold mine. Add blood and you have 3 of the main ingredients of the so-called Philosopher’s Stone.

–          The Phoenix rescue capsule is actually a German invention:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dahlbusch_bomb

–          Here’s the live feed of the rescue:  http://news.yahoo.com/video/us-15749625/22309266

–          And here’s some historical background of the Phoenix, but the gist is the similarity of the Phoenix when related to the Osiris/Horus myth (death and rebirth) and it’s connection to the Sun, the City of the Sun (Heliopolis) and the Temple of the Sun. In the Chinese version of the Phoenix the bird is at times paired with a dragon (female to the dragon’s male) and it’s rare appearance signifies peace and prosperity, especially when a new ruler ascends to the throne.

Background Mythology of the Phoenix:

Setting forth from Arabia he conveys his father, they say, to the temple of the Sun plastered up in myrrh, and buries him in the temple of the Sun. He conveys him thus. He forms first an egg of myrrh as large as he is able to carry, and then he makes trial of carrying it, and when he has made trial sufficiently, then he hollows out the egg and places his father within it and plasters over with other myrrh that part of the egg where he hollowed it out to put his father in, and when his father is laid in it, it proves (they say) to be of the same weight as it was; and after he has plastered it up, he conveys the whole to Egypt to the temple of the Sun. Thus they say that this bird does.

The phoenix is a bird that is found in India. After it has lived for 500 years, it goes to the cedar forests of Lebanon and bathes in the fragrance from the trees, then signals the priest in the city of Heliopolis (the city of the sun), who prepares an alter. The phoenix flies to the city, alights on the alter, and ignites a fire that completely consumes it, leaving only ash. The next day the preist finds a worm in the ashes, on the second day a small bird, and on the third day the full-grown phoenix, completely renewed. The phoenix greets the priest and returns to its home in India.

The Epiphanius version follows the same basic story line, but adds a few details. The phoenix is the most beautiful bird, more beautiful even than the peacock. It is colored like precious stones, and has a crested head and feet like fire. It lives among the cedars of Lebanon for 500 years, neither eating or drinking, being fed only by the wind. After this time it goes to the priest at Heliopolis and burns itself up. The next day there is a small bird in the ashes; on the third day the phoenix is fully restored and returns home.


The Chinese phoenix, also called “Feng Huang”, is the head of all birds. Feng is male and Huang female, while paired with dragon it is female. Feng Huang has rare appearance, with colorful plumage. Many legends tell that it has a body of pheasant, while feathers like that of peacocks, with wings of roc.
Chinese phoenix is also an immortal bird whose rare appearances signify the peace and prosperity, especially a new ruler ascent to the throne. It never old or dies, belongs to the fire in Five Elements. It is said that phoenix nirvana and rebirth out of ash, symbolize the constant striving spirit.
Images of ancient birds have appeared in China for 7,000 years, with the earliest historic piece with phoenix was a silk painting discovered in a tomb of the warring states period.
Down the ages, Chinese “long” and dragon are the traditional totems embedded with people’s blessing and hope and left deep imprint in Chinese civilization. Some are even combined the dragon and phoenix together to hope the harmony and happiness of marriage.

WWFRN – Stream maintenance on Saturday, September 18th, 2010

The stream will be off for the most part of today while we work on updates and improvements.

A notice will appear when the stream is back online and stable later today.

UPDATE : 6pm EST – Stream back online for the next several hours.  More maintenance interruptions on Monday Morning.


WWFRN Schedule for 09/01/10

Hey folks!  Let’s get ready for the upcoming conference in Arizona!   Listen in at 9pm EDT for a special John Coleman episode of the Hour of the Time.  At 10PM, David and Fawn Christopher will discuss “Spice – The New High” on “A Healthier You.

WWFRN Schedule for 08/30/10

Tonight at 9pm EDT, by request (you know who you are!), we are pleased to rebroadcast a Doyel Shamley hosted program, originally aired in December of 2009  entitled “The Lost History of Helmand, Afghanistan”.

Tune in at 10pm for a new episode of David Christopher’s “A Healthier You” where he will discuss “Thunderstorm Health”.

Thanks for listening – tune in here!

Please send in your requests for re-broadcasts here.  When we don’t have a live show for a given night, we’d be pleased to air your request!

Thanks for tuning in – be sure to be with us all week this week, as we’ve got lots of good news to share later in the week!

WWFRN Schedule for 08/27/10

Join us tonight at 9pm EDT for a new episode of the Hour of the Time.  Tonight, Robert Houghton will be discussing the new 6 DVD set “Cooper in California : The Porterville Presentation”, and playing excerpts from the 12 hour DVD presentation.

To donate to receive your own copy of this set, simply visit our shopping cart here!

At 10pm EDT, please join us for a brand new “A Healthier You”, where David and Fawn Christopher will discuss “Nuts”.

Enjoy the broadcasts folks!

Testing all day on WWFRN

Hello everyone,

The stream will be up and down all day today until about 4pm EST while we test some replacement equipment and configurations.  Sorry for the inconvenience but it’s a necessary annoyance!

Thanks for listening.

WWFRN Back Online

The stream is back online temporarily.