
HOTT Podcast for 04/14/10 – Networking – Civil Disobedience Pt.11

Please enjoy Doyel Shamley’s part 11 of Doyel Shamley’s hot new series “Civil Disobedience”.

Take notes and become part of the solution!  Solutions-based broadcasting!  Do you have an idea for a program?  Questions?  Comments?  E-mail us here.

Also consider joining the HOTTCLUB where you’ll get the entire month’s broadcasts in MP3 format mailed to your house or PO  box each month!

By joining the HOTT club you help us stay on the air and keep more great series like this coming!  Click here for more details

HOTT Newslinks April 14, 2010

Elderly Community Turns To Big Brother For Help: New Jersey Assisted Living Community Using High-Tech Monitoring System To Watch Residents, Sensors Provide 24/7 Security By Detecting ‘Out-Of-Pattern’ Behavior



Dems slam Bachmann over rhetoric, warn of extremism: “Democrats, including Rep. Betty McCollum, launched into an assault on incivility Tuesday, saying incendiary words from members of Congress were inflaming tensions that could provoke another incident of Oklahoma City-style domestic terrorism. … “When Members of Congress compare health-care legislation to ‘government tyranny,’ ‘socialism,’ or ‘totalitarianism’ — in the hopes of scoring political points — it’s like pouring gas on the fire of extremism,” McCollum said.”



Pentagon: Iran needs 3-5 years to build usable atom bomb



Feminists Rejoice At Idea of Abortion For Convenience



Officer challenging Obama ‘reassigned’



Election 2012: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41%



Arizona passes strict illegal immigration act – latimes.com


Good for you, same w/ the C.C. bill…


Camden Man Arrested For Pointing Laser Light At National Guard Helicopter – cbs3.com


I doubt a laser toy would have an impact on the pilot’s abillities, but it would be good to know….


Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health – USA


We’ll see,  I suspect it will be back in stealth form ….


AIPAC leader admits how they control politics….

Nice little clip that you can share (also attached)


This is an excerpt from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jDIfFEUrcQ


America does not have a shortage of doctors, it has an excess of disease



Chuck Baldwin — Army Report Says Christians Threaten US Foreign Policy



The Orgonite Experiment | FBI | Fortean Times



Consequence Management Response Force

Special army unit ready to be deployed on American soil just before November elections


“In October of this year, one month prior to the November midterm elections, a special army unit known as ‘Consequence Management Response Force’ will be ready for deployment on American soil if so ordered by the President. The special force, which is the new name being given to the 1st Brigade Combat Team of the 3rd Infantry, has been training at Fort Stewart, Georgia and is composed of 80,000 troops.”

From the Army Times:

Brigade homeland tours start Oct. 1: 3rd Infantry’s 1st BCT trains for a new dwell-time mission. Helping ‘people at home’ may become a permanent part of the active Army


“The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team has spent 35 of the last 60 months in Iraq patrolling in full battle rattle, helping restore essential services and escorting supply convoys. Now they’re training for the same mission — with a twist — at home.”

Warning from the Cato Institute:

Be Wary of Using Military as Police


“The mainstream media has finally gotten around to reporting that the Pentagon has assigned active-duty troops to a homeland defense mission, a historical first. On Oct. 1, the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team, freshly redeployed from Iraq, began a year-long assignment as a domestic “chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive Consequence Management Response Force,” or CCMRF (“Sea-Smurf”).”


Nuclear blast victims would have to wait – USATODAY.com


More Prepping the masses


Wall St backed Chinese dairy firm collapses



BBC News – Congress to archive every tweet ever posted publicly



BBC News – Three-person IVF ‘may prevent inherited disease’



FOXNews.com – Marine’s Facebook Comments About Obama Fuel Free Speech Debate


He can fight for it, so he can use it – plain and simple


Special army unit ready to be deployed on American soil just before Nov. elections (Update)



Bilderberg: Raise Taxes, Cut Services in U.S. and Europe « noworldsystem.com



hallenging Harvest Could Affect Soybean Planting   Pork – Industry News



Arizona Clears Strict Immigration Bill – WSJ.com



Time to get your coats out again – as forecasters say more SNOW is on the way | Mail Online


Must be global warming


Turkey: World is turning a blind eye to Israel’s nuclear weapons – Haaretz – Israel News



Florida tomato volumes to remain light | The Packer



California’s red ink may torpedo growers | The Packer



Late bill would ban most private gun sales in Wisconsin



Obama’s approval rating slides – thestar.com



YouTube now gone Orwellian â?” Now requires SMS from every new Registrant : Federal Jack


These guys are friends of HOTT


McCain: Time to ‘pull the trigger’ with Iran | ABC 7 News


Maybe he’ll be the first volunteer.


Mysterious radio waves emitted from nearby galaxy – space – 14 April 2010 – New Scientist



Antidepressant use increases risk of stroke



HOTT Podcast for 04/13/10 – Warnings on Provocateurs, Deprogramming and Networking-Civil Disobedience Pt.10

Please enjoy Doyel Shamley’s part 10 of Doyel Shamley’s hot new series “Civil Disobedience”.

Take notes and become part of the solution!  Solutions-based broadcasting – isn’t it great?

Also consider joining the HOTTCLUB where you’ll get the entire month’s broadcasts in MP3 format mailed to your house or PO  box each month!

By joining the HOTT club you help us stay on the air and keep more great series like this coming!  Click here for more details

HOTT Newslinks April 13, 2010

Obama: Risks of nuclear attack have risen


HHHMMMMM – more prepping


Obama: China joining UN talks on Iran sanctions



Kyrgyzstan and the Russian Resurgence



City Chicken



Motocyclist charged – faces 5 years for recording MSP



Hitler would be proud


WHO pandemic probe focuses on media, Internet role


Are they planning on something again this year?


General Election 2010: Why you shouldn’t take politicians at face value



Lehman Used ~Alter Ego” to Transfer Risks – NYTimes.com



Check out The Genesis Of The Gold-Tungsten: The Rest Of The Story | zero hedge



Phyllis Schlafly : America Becomes a Two-Class Society – Townhall.com



Kenyan official “of course Obama was born here”



The ‘Obama doctrine’: kill, don’t detain | Asim Qureshi | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk



Healthcare overhaul won’t stop premium increases – latimes.com



Tea Partiers, some seeking to create militia, to clash with anarchists and federal provocateurs?



Military Suicides Up Among Soldiers in Repeat Army Tours – TIME



Tax Day 2010: Most of every dollar you pay in federal taxes is spent on…



Census gear is outsourced – UPI.com



Lord Rothschild: Don’t You Dare Touch My Plantation! | LaRouchePAC



HOTT Newslinks April 11, 2010

The Raw Story | ‘All bets are off’ if US under WMD attack: Clinton

Does the term “false flag” apply here?



Russia eyes U.S. air base in Kyrgyz turmoil | Reuters



Shell shock – Herald Scotland | News | World News



Gulf War veterans ‘refused war pensions’ – Home News, UK – The Independent



12-year-old protester charged; mom, too | desmoinesregister.com | The Des Moines Register



East Germany’s Forgotten Bunkers: New Research Sheds Light on Soviet Plans for World War III – SPIEGEL ONLINE – News – International



Microchipping Airport Workers

Check out this video on YouTube:



Blowback in Kyrgyzstan | Joseph Huff-Hannon | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk



HOTT Podcast for 04/09/10 – Skills, tools, supplies for the new firearm owner

Take notes and take part in the solution!  This is some great information for you folks just purchasing your first firearm.  Be safe and be informed.  Doyel Shamley shares some great hints and tips tonight for you new firearm owners.  You’ve made the first step, now be responsible and learn how to keep your firearm safe and effective.

If you are enjoying the Hour of the Time broadcasts please consider joining the HOTTCLUB where you’ll get the entire month’s broadcasts in MP3 format mailed to your house or PO  box each month.

By joining the HOTT club you help us stay on the air and ensure more great broadcasts like this one in the future!  Click here for more details!

HOTT Podcast for 04/07/10 – Civil Disobedience Part 9

Please enjoy Doyel Shamley’s part 9 of Doyel Shamley’s hot new series “Civil Disobedience”.

Take notes and become part of the solution!  Solutions-based broadcasting – isn’t it great?

Also consider joining the HOTTCLUB where you’ll get the entire month’s broadcasts in MP3 format mailed to your house or PO  box each month!

By joining the HOTT club you help us stay on the air and keep more great series like this coming!  Click here for more details!

HOTT Podcast for 04/06/10 – Civil Disobedience Part 8

Please enjoy Doyel Shamley’s part 8 of Doyel Shamley’s hot new series “Civil Disobedience”.

Take notes and take part in the solution!

Also consider joining the HOTTCLUB where you’ll get the entire month’s broadcasts in MP3 format mailed to your house or PO  box each month!

By joining the HOTT club you help us stay on the air and keep more great series like this coming!  Click here for more details!

HOTT Podcast for 04/05/10 – Classic Cooper

Mystery Babylon Episode 8!

Please enjoy the podcast and also consider joining the HOTTCLUB where you’ll get the entire month’s broadcasts in MP3 format mailed to your house or PO  box each month!

By joining the HOTT club you help us stay on the air and continue Bill’s work.  Click here for more details!

HOTT Podcast for 04/02/10 – Classic Cooper again!


Please enjoy the podcast and also consider joining the HOTTCLUB where you’ll get the entire month’s broadcasts in MP3 format mailed to your house or PO  box each month!

By joining the HOTT club you help us stay on the air and continue Bill’s work.  Click here for more details!

HOTT Podcast for 04/01/10 – Classic Cooper!

Please enjoy “Mystery Babylon #7” by William Cooper.
Bill at his best!

Please keep in mind that these audio podcasts are of lower quality than our MP3 cds to keep bandwidth costs down.

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